The Embodied Musician
2 sessions
These two, linked sessions, explore essential aspects of the process of becoming fully embodied musicians.
Session 1: Turning Up the "Volume" on Our Senses
The path to becoming a fully-embodied performer begins with enhancing our awareness of self in relation to the environment in which we practice and perform.
In this session, I will guide you to a condition of expanded and continuously-shifting awareness that allows your music making to be informed by the sensations of your body in movement. In addition, you will gain a clear perception of your instrument and what is needed to play it, an active relationship with any other physical objects in your environment (the floor, chair, or prop), and a clear perception of your performance space and everything else in it (including your audience!).
Topics include:
Awakening and enhancing your tactile and kinesthetic senses, the two senses most important for coordinate movement
Claiming a big space for your performance in order to increase your movement choices and expand and clarify your artistic choices as well
Learning to perceive and cultivate “micromovements” in relation to the large range of movements available to us in any moment
Session 2: All About Legs!
Starting with the premise that performing music is a whole-body activity in every moment, this session will explore the multiple roles of legs in practice and performance.
Topics include:
The leg-torso relationship
Coordinating the joints of the legs: a chamber music trio (or sextet!)
Thinking like a quadruped: how arms and legs relate in every moment
Our legs as first responders to musical impulses